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4 Scents to Elevate Your Altar


4 Scents to Elevate Your Altar

Your home altar is more than just a decorative corner—it’s a sacred space that serves as a personal sanctuary for reflection, meditation, and intention-setting. While crystals and candles are often the stars of the show, the right scents can take your altar experience to a whole new level. 

These are some of my go-to scents that will infuse your altar with energy, balance, and a little magic.

  1. Frankincense: The Spiritual Powerhouse

Frankincense is the OG of spiritual scents, used in rituals across ancient cultures for purification and protection. Its rich, earthy fragrance has the ability to clear negative energy and promote deep meditation. Light a Frankincense incense brick at your altar to enhance your spiritual practice, whether you're reflecting, manifesting, or just seeking a moment of calm.

Fun fact: Frankincense was once worth its weight in gold—so yeah, it’s pretty special.

  1. Frankincense & Myrrh: Grounding and Healing

Myrrh brings the yin to Frankincense's yang. Known for its grounding and protective qualities, Myrrh complements Frankincense beautifully and has long been used in spiritual ceremonies to strengthen healing and protection rituals. Spritz a Frankincense & Myrrh Mist around your altar to create a sense of balance and well-being.

Pro Tip: Spritz a Frankincense & Myrrh Mist together for a supercharged spiritual vibe.

  1. Palo Santo: The Holy Wood

Palo Santo, also known as "holy wood," is your go-to for sacred space cleansing. Its sweet, minty scent is both purifying and uplifting, making it perfect for altars used for prayer, meditation, and healing. Light an incense brick or use a Palo Santo mist to cleanse your altar space and invite positive vibes in.

Fun fact: Shamans in South America have used Palo Santo for centuries to cleanse energy and invite blessings.

  1. Lily Of The Valley Anointing Oil 

Lily of the Valley is associated with purity, renewal, and the restoration of happiness. The scent is delicate and uplifting, making it perfect for promoting emotional healing and a sense of rebirth. Anointing your altar items or yourself with this oil can invite fresh, positive energy and a sense of calm.


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